Episode 130 Who Was the Best Mr. Darcy with SuiKim Friedmann Posted on April 15, 2022 by Carina Gardner Carina’s sister and Etsy expert SuiKim Friedmann joins the Make and Design podcast today. The sisters laugh a lot and discuss which version of Pride and Prejudice they like the best. They also take a deep dive into what it takes to set up an online coaching and mentoring program. This includes talking about how gratifying it is to see help people along in building their own careers. Their discussion takes them into a listing of pros and cons to programs that give you just course content and programs that include mentoring and masterminding. SuiKim talks about the learning curve she has faced in implementing a coaching program. Find out the power that joining a mastermind unlocks. SuiKim calls out Carina for not listening to her last appearance in episode 116. You can find SuiKim’s work at www.suikim.com. Who gets their first name as a domain name? Awesome! We checked out “carina.com” to see if it was available and someone has put up a pretty purple flower at that site for all the world to see. Shucks. Find her on InstaGram at suikimfriedmann. Find out more at http://www.carinagardner.comWant to become a designer? Check out Carina’s next Design Bootcamp at http://www.carinagardnercourses.com/designbootcamp.